Documenting the findings and outcomes of a conference or a meeting is often done by producing a written report. A video documentary of a conference can highlight the outcomes in a very engaging, even entertaining way. It can also be used to reach a wider audience by sharing it via social media.

georgetown media has specialised in short form conference documentaries, which feature interviews with speakers and participants as well as excerpts from the presentations. By interviewing the speakers on camera, they can provide a condensed and often more easy to understand version of their presentation.


Beyond Blame
Challenging HIV Criminalisation

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Client: HIV Justice Network
Format: 13 mins, AVCHD / H.264 MicroFourThirds, 1080/25p, multi-cam
Language: English
Location: Melbourne
Date: July 2014

Credits: Conference hosted by Living Positive Victoria, Victorian AIDS Council / Gay Men's Health Centre, National Association of People Living with HIV Australia and Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations

With the support of AIDS and Rights Alliance of Southern Africa, Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, Global Network of People Living with HIV, HIV Justice Network, International Community of Women Living with HIV, Sero Project and UNAIDS

Interviews and narration by Edwin J Bernard (HIV Justice Network)
Filmed, directed, edited and produced by Nicholas Feustel

This is the video documentary on a pre-conference meeting for AIDS 2014 in Melbourne. Around 150 participants from all regions of the world came together to discuss the overly broad use of the criminal law to control and punish people living with HIV.


Quality & Quality Improvement
Fostering Quality and Quality Improvement in the Context of HIV Scale Up

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Client: International AIDS Society (IAS)
Format: 16 mins, AVCHD / H.264 MicroFourThirds, 1080/25p, multi-cam
Language: English
Location: Melbourne
Date: July 2014

Credits: Featuring Dr Chris Beyrer, Ambassador Deborah Birx, Dr Meg Doherty, Dr Wafaa El-Sadr, Dr Gottfried Hirnschall, Dr Erik Ikoona, Carla Johnson, Dr Herbert Kadama, Dr Chewe Luo, Dr Rashad Massoud, Edward Moses, Dr Patrick Mwidunda, Dr Velephi Okello

Interviews conducted by Laurel Sprague
Filmed, directed, edited and produced by Nicholas Feustel

A video documentary on the HIV and Health Systems pre-conference for AIDS 2014, Melbourne. Policy makers, programme implementers, front line providers, researchers and community representatives from more than xx countries came together at this meeting, convened by ICAP Columbia, to define the path forward, the trajectory towards achieving quality programmes in the context of HIV scale up.


The People Living with HIV Global Advocacy Agenda
Satellite Session at AIDS 2014 – Highlights

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Client: Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+)
Format: 16 mins, AVCHD / H.264 MicroFourThirds, 1080/25p, multi-cam
Language: English
Location: Melbourne
Date: July 2014

Filmed, directed, edited and produced by Nicholas Feustel

The Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+) has launched the 'People Living with HIV Global Advocacy Agenda' at the 20th International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2014) in Melbourne. This 6-minute video comprises the highlights of the satellite session in Melbourne.

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The Global Village at AIDS 2014
Impressions and sound bites focussing on women’s activities

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Client: Gemeinnützige Stiftung Sexualität und Gesundheit (GSSG)
Format: 4 mins, H.264 MicroFourThirds, 1080/25p, single-cam
Language: English
Location: Melbourne
Date: July 2014

Featuring the Women’s Networking Zone, UAFC’s female condom booth, Sex workers’ art project ’Debbie Doesn’t Do It For Free’, International Community of Women Living With HIV’s (ICW) booth, and Melbourne artist Kim Davie’s art installation

Filmed, directed, edited and produced by Nicholas Feustel

Commissioned by the Cologne-based Foundation Sexuality and Health (GSSG), this video was shown at the official AIDS 2014 Hub in Cologne, a month after the AIDS conference, to give the audience who couldn’t be in Melbourne an idea of women’s activities in the Global Village at AIDS 2014.

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More Than Just Pills
Why universal access to voluntary HIV testing, treatment and care benefits everyone
Expert voices from the second 'Controlling The HIV Epidemic With Antiretrovirals' summit,
London, 22 - 24 September 2013


Client: HIV Justice Network
Agent: NAM
Format: 12 mins, AVCHD, 1080/25p, single-cam
Language: English (with English subtitles)
Location: London
Date: November 2013

Credits: with Jane Anderson, Elizabeth Bukusi, Meg Doherty, Kevin Fenton, Rashida Ferrand, Lord Fowler, Brian Gazzard, Anand Grover, Manoj Kurian, Julio Montaner, Kenly Sikwese, David Wilson, Ben Young and José Zuniga

Interviews conducted by Edwin J Bernard (HIV Justice Network)
Filmed, directed and produced by Nicholas Feustel

This film explains why 'treatment as prevention' is more than just pills and why universal access to voluntary HIV testing, treatment and care benefits everyone. It features experts who attended the recent IAPAC summit in London, and can be used for advocacy to inform policy-makers and other stakeholders around the world.

The format of this documentary is an example for how you can present the main issues and findings of a conference or meeting in a short and concise way.

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Symposium: 'Marginalisation. Power(s). Illnes.'
The follow-up meeting of the German PLHIV Stigma Index


Client: Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe
Format: 16 mins, AVCHD, 1080/25p, multi-cam
Language: German with English subtitles
Location: Berlin
Date: October 2012

Featuring speakers and facilitators working for various German HIV-related NGOs

Filmed, directed and produced by Nicholas Feustel

In October 2012, the 2-day symposium 'Marginalisation. Power(s). Illness.' attracted over 140 participants from diverse communities, envisaging future steps to dismantle HIV-related stigmatisation and discrimination.


From Washington to Kolkata
A video message from LIVING 2012 to the Sex Workers' Freedom Festival


Client: Global Network of People Living With HIV (GNP+)
Format: 10 mins, MPEG4, 480/25p, mulit-cam
Language: English
Location: Washington, DC
Date: July 2012

With Kevin Moody (GNP+), Kate Thomson (UNAIDS),
and participants of LIVING 2012
Interviewer: Ceceilia Chung (San Francisco Department of Public Health)
Filmed and edited by Nicholas Feustel

This video, filmed over two days, uses a variety of video techniques – establishing shots, plenary presentations and interviews – illustrating how an entire event can be documented.


Interviews at AIDS 2012
Panelists of the Human Rights Networking Zone session: 'Condoms as Contraband'


Client: Open Society Foundations
Format: 5 mins, MPEG4, 480/25p, single-cam
Language: English
Date: July 2012

With Megan McLemore (Human Rights Watch), Sienna Baskin (Urban Justice Center), Acacia Shields (Open Society Foundations), Stacey-Leigh Manoek (Women's Legal Centre), Bamby Salcedo (Children's Hospital Los Angeles)
Filmed and produced by Nicholas Feustel

Interviews with panellists from the 'Condoms as Contraband' session at AIDS 2012 about how harmful police practices are hurting sex workers.


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